Wednesday, January 26, 2011

121 Guns

- By Greenday
            Yes, I know the video talks about love, but the lyrics talk about fighting! Which is another event that links to my life! When I was young, about seven years old, I had a best friend who was always so mature and professional. I have to say I admire her more than my old teachers, she was just so great in every aspects. Then, one day, we got into this big fight for this tiny little reason that was silly and that we shouldn't even fight over it. But then we did, and the situation got worse. Until one day, she told me, "We should stop it, this is so silly." So thanks to her, we were friends again, untill we got seperated when she moved to another school. So everything can be forgiven and solved when you "lay down your arms and give up the fight."

Lyrics ~>


- By Spice Girl
        I decided that the ninth song on my project should be about family, so I decided it should be about Mommy. The truth about me is, I didn't get along well with my family. Sometimes, I wanted to run away from them. The relationship between me and my dad was pretty much okay, but sometimes we fight. The relationship between me and my mom on the other hand was horrible. All of those things that I wanted to do, she stopped me from doing them. I saw it as unfairness. She let my cousins go there, but how come she didn't let me?But as time passed, I gradually realize "all that she did was love". She was afraid that I would get hurt because I was so young. I am pretty sure you guys have all felt the same way as kids. This song would describe that feeling perfectly!

Lyrics ~>


- By The Far East Movements
          I've been on airplanes several times, but this song seems like it is talking about my first time being on an airplane, so I chose it for "The Soundtrack of My Life". It was so exiciting just seeing how you are not moving at all, but then, you look outside and see houses getting smaller and smaller, and you go like, "up, up, here we go!". I felt like I could "touch the planets" being so high above the ground. Then, they would actually serve you food up there. Being on planes is a really fun experience. If you are afraid of height and that is the reason why you wouldn't want to go on airplanes, then no worries, because you won't even feel like flying if unless you were looking out the window. But being on an airplane is cool just the way it is. You get to listen to music, and they serve food, and they have magazines, too. So don't be afraid to go on airplanes if you have the chance to!

Lyrics ~>

Raise Your Glass

- By Pink
         The second part of this song really talks about my life at school. It says, "So if you do school for cool, and you're treated like a fool. You can choose to let it go. We can always we can always, party on our own!" That actually happened to me. When I tried to make a new friend by talking to her because we had to work on the same project in the same group, she thinks that I was so lame that I needed to "beg" her for her to be friends with me. Later on, when I heard about that, I went like, "Woah! Where did that come from? I was just being friendly!!" So from then on, I just forget about it, because I'm "wrong in all the right ways". That's just who I am! So if you were ever treated like that, I recommend you to do the same thing. Be proud of your personality, because that is how you are unique, and do not try to fit in, be yourself! If your friends understand you, they would never be able to hate you because you are yourself! :D

Lyrics ~>

Not Afraid

-By Eminem
             This song does not relate to me much because I don't have a sad life like Eminem does. So i don't have a lot of vengeance upon this world. But the thing that I really think that is just like me is the "I'm not afraid" part. In 5th grade, we went on a camping trip in Dalat that the school organized, and for the schedule, they planned that we students should go abseiling. Abseiling means that you have to climb a mountain,...BACKWARDS! In other words, you have to move down using a rope that is tight about your belly, without trying to look down. It is even scarier than climbing up the mountain! You couldn't even see where you going, just staring straight at the sky! But then, as I started to abseil, I didn't feel afraid anymore, and I made it all the way to the bottom! My feelings at that time pretty much match the chorus of Not Afraid. So yes, this is how I'm so related to this song :D

Lyrics ~>
(I suggest you to not look at these lyrics, because i couldn't find a proper clean version!)

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Under the Sea

- In The Little Mermaid OST
          I went scuba diving in Thailand when i was in fourth grade. It was the strangest thing that ever happened. It was so magical down there, like you were flying, but only under the sea! The fish are just so cheery down there. They knew no one was going to beat them, "fry the and eat them" from "Under the Sea"! Such smart little fellows. Up on the land, humans work all day, but the lucky fish just hang out in the corals all day. But the fish, are just like us children. I, as a student, don't have to worry about working at all. Like them, I sit around, reading books, playing games, hanging out, or studying all day long. So I think this song relates to me in a way. (At least currently, not when I grow up though. Because then I would have to work... :( )

Lyrics ~>


-In Beauty and the Beast OST

          Just like Belle, my nose is always "stuck in a book". People think I'm weird, some even say, "Reading is good, you know, but reading too much makes your head stuck on the clouds and you can't study well." But really I don't think so. Reading gives you perspectives. Even fictional books. They give you a different view of everything you encounter. Take me for example. When they say on the TV that bears are endangered, I don't feel it coming to me. I went like, "Why should we care? They're not humans, right? And i mean, humans can't be a big part of the reason why they are endangered... The world is just so big!" But after reading the book SeekerS, which is about bears, I can SEE that it's our fault. How we're cutting down trees and destroying everything. How we hurt them without even caring. I can see a world through a whole different perspetive. A BEAR's perspective. So unlike many people who say reading fiction is useless, it is not at all! I encourage all of you to read fiction books. Books are gifts that you can open again and again, so they're not to be wasted in any way!
PS~> If you want to read SeekerS it's a really good series. Check it out in the library! >:)

Lyrics ~>

Monday, January 24, 2011

Bad Day

-By Daniel Powter

            Everyone has to have a bad day once in awhile. I did, too. Everything turned to grey, and at that point, I thought that i did not even need to move on because I thought things already got as bad as it could. Guess what? It didn't! The more grumpier and sadder I got, the worse they day goes! So just like this song, I ask myself, "I got a bad day, so how does it feel for one more time?". I thought about it, and I saw what I've been like. It was definitely NOT the best feeling in the world. In fact, I didn't like it at all. So i decided to work at a smile and move on! So guys, don't give up on your life just because of what others say to you. You can be mad, but you can't stay mad, for that, is hurting yourself.

Lyrics ~>

A whole new world

-In the Aladdin OST
           A whole new world talks about seeing a world you've never experienced before. That pretty much relates to me going out of Vietnam and to other countries. Let's take Singapore as an example. In the song, they use a magic carpet, but my "magic carpet" is an airplane. I went to Singapore, and also, that was my first time being on an airplane at night. There were clouds drifting everywhere, and there was a thunderstorm, too. It was pretty scary, but the sky lit up and the view got clearer. So when we arrived, "every turn was a surprise", it was so different from Vietnam! There were "unbelievable sights" and everything was just guiding me to "a whole new world". Away from the place which i already knew for so long. It was  one of the BEST experience I've ever had

Lyrics ~>

Get Outta My Head

By Ashlee Simpson
         Everyone needs their own quiet time. But unfortunately, some people do not understand that. Sometimes I try my best, but even that does not please everyone. They try to make me do things their way, they're "messing with my head", and i "can't even hear me now." If someone do that to you, of course you would want them to leave you in peace and get outta your head for a while. You need freedom instead of them circling you, bugging you every step you go. If they just keep doing this to you, then you would really go mad. So this is how this song is related to me, and i am pretty sure, that you guys have had times that you felt like this, too.

Lyrics ~>

Sunday, January 23, 2011

The Soundtrack of My Life

HEY GUYS!! This blog is going to be the blog that i'm talking about my life....THROUGHH MUUUSIIICCCC!!! Isn't it AWESOME OR WHAT!!!!!!! (Btw, the "or what" part is not an option =,= just the awesome part...TEEHEE :D)
If you guys don't like the music then yeah...not my fault...BUT...they tell about my life
Which is also why all of them are awesome.....